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    Le choix de la matière première

    Une sélection permanente

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    Philippe Wagner

    Par respect du goût

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    Une sélection des meilleurs produits

    Pour vous satisfaire 

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    La qualité au quotidien

    Des experts en contrôle continu

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    Le terroir, notre passion

    Le naturel est notre source

Traditional Knack sausages


They offer you the true taste of the authentic charcuterie of the past. They are naturally smoked with softwood, soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside: this is the secret of their name! The characteristic little noise that makes a “knack” when you crack them in two! It thus expresses all its crunch since its origins, which date back to the 16th century.

Indispensable in sauerkraut, Philippe WAGNER Knack sausages multiply the uses (pasta or vegetable gratins, hotdogs, puff pastry, etc.) and are perfect with mashed potatoes, fries, etc.

Its fine, firm and crunchy texture is very popular with young and old alike.

Ready in 5 minutes, Philippe WAGNER knack sausages allow you to easily prepare delicous dishes for all and for all occasions!


Also available in the self-service department.